Have A Brain Break….

So what are "Brain Breaks" ?

One Simple Habit that Will Improve Your Working Day

What can you do to improve your working day? So many adults complain about being stressed, burnt out, or have headaches after work. You might think you need to take vitamins, drink more water, or get more sleep, and though these are all important, chances are that brain breaks are what’s missing from your day.

Brain breaks are exactly what they sound like: a break from whatever it is that you’re focusing on. These breaks can include movement or mindfulness exercises, but today, we’re going to focus on movement. Let’s discuss the benefits of taking movement breaks and some simple exercises that will increase your productivity.

How Can You Benefit From Brain Breaks
(And Your Kids, Too!)

Long working hours can take a toll on your mind and body. Without taking breaks during the day, even people who work office jobs leave work feeling drained. In recent years, many more adults live sedentary lifestyles than ever before. Increasing the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.

But taking breaks isn’t just for adults; our children can benefit from brain breaks, too! Kids need movement breaks during long periods of doing classwork or homework to help reduce anxiety, relieve frustration, and help them focus.

Breaks also teach kids to self-regulate. So many working adults push themselves to their limits and are suffering from burnout. Teaching children the importance of brain and movement breaks helps them to read their body’s cues when they’re growing frustrated and take a step back.

Many children struggle with accepting when they’ve made a mistake or don’t understand their schoolwork. But movement breaks are a great way to motivate them to keep trying. Have you ever struggled with an issue, and the moment you take a break and return, you suddenly know how to solve it? Sometimes, all you need is to take a step back and tackle the problem with a fresh set of eyes.

Simple Exercises to Get You Moving

Now that we understand that everyone needs to take a break every now and then, the question is: how often should we take movement breaks?

What works for some people might not work for others. For example, younger children may only be able to focus for 10-15 minutes at a time before they need a break. On the other hand, teens and adults can handle half an hour of focused work. This rule of thumb goes for classwork, homework, office work, and even chores.

Sometimes, when we think of taking a break, we think of long periods of downtime. But a movement break only needs to be about 3-5 minutes at a time. So, to make the most of your brain break, here are five simple exercises that are great for both adults and kids.

  • Find a nearby staircase and do a few stair step-ups
  • Do a few sets of body-weight squats
  • Practice walking lunges from one room to another
  • Take a walk around the block
  • Skip up and down on the spot


Movement breaks are so important for people of all ages. If you haven’t started yet, be sure to incorporate them into your daily routine.

So, Start your new day and have a "Brain Break" !!

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